WACとは about us: What is WAC?


皆さん、こんにちは! 研究代表の天童睦子(てんどう むつこ)です。宮城学院女子大学の研究者を中心に、女性、子ども、地域社会の研究に関心をもつメンバーが集まってWAC研究ネットワークを作りました。WはWomen(女性), CはChildren(子ども)とCommunity(コミュニティ)の頭文字です。女性・子ども・地域にかかわる課題を、学術と実践をつなぎながら考えていく場を目指す意味が含まれています。


研究代表 天童 睦子(専門:女性学、ジェンダー論、教育社会学),博士(教育学) 修士(文学)

about us: What is WAC?

Message from Tendo Mutsuko, Professor, Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University

From Research to Practice, from Practice to Research

WAC stands for “Women, Area and Children” toward the “Women’s Academic/Action Center”. WAC was founded in 2016 by researchers at Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University (MGU) in Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture.

.The goal of WAC is to represent women’s voices and create new perspectives from women’s studies. Especially since March 11, 2011, when the Great East Japan Earthquake occurred in Tohoku, Japan, we have needed to reconsider how to make a better world that focuses on gender equality, development and recovery from disaster, well-being, and peace. The purpose of WAC is to create a new bridge between academic research and women’s practices focusing on women, children and communities.

WAC was founded by Tendo Mutsuko (Women’s studies), Yagi Yuko (Cultural anthropology), Sawabe Yuko (Japanese language education), and Matsumoto Haruko (Music education). If you are interested in our activities and research, please contact us.